8 min read

Why Average Revenue per User is one of the most important KPIs to track as an eCommerce brand

In the bustling world of eCommerce, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential for understanding business health and driving growth. Among the myriad of metrics available, Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) stands out as a critical indicator. This article delves into what ARPU is, why it is crucial, its comparative importance over other metrics like conversion rate, and strategies to increase ARPU for sustained business growth.

What is ARPU?

ARPU, or Average Revenue Per User, is a metric that measures the revenue generated per user over a specific period. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the number of active users within that timeframe. The formula is straightforward:

ARPU = Total Revenue / Number of Active Users

ARPU provides a clear picture of how much revenue each user brings to the business, offering insights into customer value and business efficiency.

Why ARPU is Important

1. Revenue Efficiency: ARPU helps eCommerce brands understand how efficiently they are generating revenue from their user base. A higher ARPU indicates that each user is contributing more to the revenue, suggesting effective pricing, product value, and customer engagement.

2. Customer Value Insight: It provides insights into the value of your customers. Knowing the ARPU can help in segmenting high-value customers and tailoring marketing strategies to retain and acquire similar users.

3. Growth Measurement: ARPU can serve as a benchmark for growth. Monitoring changes in ARPU over time can help identify trends, measure the impact of new strategies, and adjust business models accordingly.

4. Investment Justification: Investors often look at ARPU as a measure of a company's potential profitability. A consistent or growing ARPU can attract investors by showcasing the company’s ability to monetize its user base effectively.

ARPU vs. Conversion Rate: Which is More Important?

While the conversion rate is a crucial metric indicating the percentage of visitors who make a purchase, ARPU provides a more comprehensive view of revenue performance. Here’s why ARPU can be even more important:

1. Revenue Focused: Conversion rate alone doesn’t reflect the revenue per transaction. A high conversion rate with low-value transactions may not be as beneficial as a lower conversion rate with high-value transactions, which ARPU effectively highlights.

2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): ARPU contributes to understanding CLTV, a critical metric for long-term business planning. A higher ARPU usually correlates with a higher CLTV, indicating sustainable revenue streams.

3. Comprehensive Business Health: While conversion rate focuses on turning visitors into buyers, ARPU considers the overall revenue generated, providing a holistic view of business performance.

Ways to Increase ARPU

1. Upselling and Cross-Selling: Encourage customers to purchase higher-end products or additional items related to their original purchase. Effective upselling and cross-selling strategies can significantly boost ARPU.

2. Personalized Marketing: Use data analytics to understand customer preferences and tailor personalized marketing campaigns. Personalized recommendations and offers can lead to higher purchase values.

3. Subscription Models: Implementing subscription-based models or loyalty programs can increase the frequency of purchases, thus boosting ARPU. Subscriptions ensure a steady revenue stream from committed customers.

4. Product Bundling: Create bundles of complementary products at a discounted rate. Customers perceive higher value, which can increase the average purchase size.

5. Pricing Strategies: Reevaluate and adjust pricing strategies to reflect the value provided. Introducing tiered pricing or premium products can attract customers willing to pay more.

6. Enhanced Customer Experience: Invest in improving the overall customer experience. A seamless shopping journey, excellent customer service, and easy return policies can lead to repeat purchases and higher spending.


In the competitive eCommerce landscape, ARPU stands as a pivotal KPI that offers deep insights into revenue generation and customer value. While the conversion rate is important, ARPU provides a more direct measure of financial performance. By focusing on strategies to enhance ARPU, eCommerce brands can ensure sustainable growth and long-term profitability. Prioritizing ARPU not only helps in optimizing current revenue but also paves the way for attracting and retaining valuable customers.

Matthias Strafinger

Founder of Permar AI
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